Friday, May 3, 2013

Stir Fry Cucumber with Sea Cucumber and Prawn (清炒黄瓜海参虾)

The most common place you can find cucumber is with chicken rice and it is eaten raw.  Tired of eating raw cucumber ? (well raw cucumber is nutrition for your information) Here going to introduce a dish to stir fry cucumber with sea cucumber and prawn.  Well this dish could be expensive as sea cucumber doesn't come cheap.

Ingredients :-
Cucumber, Sea Cucumber and Prawn that what were needed for this dish.  1 stick of Cucumber, a dozen of prawn and 1 piece of Sea Cucumber will do.  This will be enough for 4 to 5 person share.  All these could be found in supermarket.  Price wise could be expensive as both Sea Cucumber and Prawn are priced by weight.

Cooking Instructions :-
1. Wash the Cucumber, Sea Cucumber and Prawn (after the shell was peeled off)

2. Now you have a choice either to peel off the Cucumber skin or leave it intact.

3. Cut the Cucumber into slices

4. Cut the Sea Cucumber into slices

5. For the Prawn, you could either leave it as a whole or cut into small pieces.

6. Heat up the wok/frying pan and once done put in the Prawn to fry

7. Next put in the Cucumber and the Sea Cucumber

8. After stir fry for about a minute or so, pour some water and cover up the wok/frying pan for about 2 to 3 minutes.  This is to use the steam to soften both the Cucumber and Sea Cucumber

9. Once done, get ready to serve.

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