Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stir Fry Prawn With Tomatoes Sauce (鲜虾抄藩茄汁)

Daddies, tired of all the vegetables, pork, chicken, and so on ? Now try something new, here using prawns.  Normally, people steam prawns or making prawn noodle or stir fry them with vegetable.  Here, I'm going to stir fry prawns with tomatoes sauce.

Ingredients :-
Prawns, Tomatoes, Fish Cakes and Ketchup are all the ingredients that needed.  Try buying fresh prawns ( not those already cooked and frozen type ) and a dozen of prawns is enough to serve people of 3 to 4.  2 Tomatoes will do and 1 piece of Fish Cakes.

Cooking Instructions :-
1. For the Prawns, you can either peel off the shell or left them intact, the choice is yours but remember to wash them cleanly.

2. For the piece of Fish Cake, cut them to slices as shown above.

3. The 2 Tomatoes after washed, cut them to portions also.  1 Tomatoes can cut into 8 portions.

4. Now to make the Tomatoes Sauce, pour in some Ketchup into a rice bowl and then add water to fill up 1/2 to 3/4 of the rice bowl.  Stir them together to form the sauce.  Roughly, 4 table spoon full of Ketchup will do but if you want to put more also can, doesn't matter as it will only make it sweeter that all.

5. Heat up the wok/frying pan with oil, once done, put in the Prawns to fry.  The Prawns will get cooked fast and next put in the slices of Fish Cake and portions of Tomatoes.  Use the spatular/ladle to mix them together.

6. Next pour in the already made Tomatoes Sauce and stir fry them for about 3 to 5 minutes.  Make sure the Tomatoes Sauce is thoroughly mix with the Prawns, Fish Cakes and Tomatoes.

7. Once done, it is ready to serve on the table.

Daddies can try asking your kids to use the Tomatoes Sauce to mix with the rice to eat, it is nice.

This is a very simple dish doesn't require much cooking time and all the ingredients are easily found in supermarket.  Tired of meat ? try the prawns !!!

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