Friday, March 23, 2012

Broccoli & Ikan Bilis Soup (西兰花江鱼仔汤)

Lot of methods to prepare soup ranging from simple to traditional to herbal soups.  Let's just start off with simple soup so that Daddies can get a hold of it first then proceed to the more difficult and complicated one.  This one I'm going to introduce here is Vegetable Soup and need at most 15 minute and will be ready to serve.

Ingredients :-
 Broccoli and Ikan Bilis are the only ingredients needed and both of these can be easily purchased from supermarket and not to mention it is economical too.  One broccoli can roughly serve 2 person share and a small handful of ikan bilis is enough as the main purpose of the ikan bilis is to provide some taste to the soup though they can be eaten.

Cooking Instruction :-
1.  Fill up the pot with 80% of water, the size of pot depends on how many person you will be serving and boil the water.

2. While waiting for the water to boil, wash the Broccoli and then cut it to smaller pieces.  Smaller pieces can help it to get cook faster.  Wash the Ikan Bilis as well.

3. When the water is boiled, put in the Ikan Bilis first, put on the pot cover and let the Ikan Bilis to be boiled for about 1 minute, this is to extract the taste of the Ikan Bilis to the soup.

4. Put in the cut Broccoli next and cover up the pot to let the soup boil, that should take about 10 to 15 minutes.

5. When you can see the broccoli becomes soft ( especially the stalk portion ), the little flowers from the broccoli scattered all over the soup and the colour of the broccoli is like a bit greenish brown, the soup is ready to be served.

6. Can add a small pinch of salt if you wanted that extra "salty" taste and that is optional.

See Daddies, it just so simple to prepare this Broccoli & Ikan Bilis soup and take you at most 15 minutes.  Not to forget, broccoli is very nutritious to the kids !!!

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